Trang chủ Học tập Lớp 10 Tiếng Anh 10 Explore New Worlds

Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 6C: Talk about your weekend

Soạn Anh 10 trang 68, 69 sách Cánh diều

Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 6C: Talk about your weekend giúp các em học sinh lớp 10 trả lời các câu hỏi tiếng Anh trang 68, 69 sách Cánh diều bài Destinations trước khi đến lớp.

Soạn Talk about your weekend Unit 6C lớp 10 được biên soạn bám sát theo chương trình SGK Explore New Worlds 10 trang 68, 69. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức, dễ dàng làm bài tập về nhà và học tốt tiếng Anh 10. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết bài Soạn Anh 10 Unit 6C: Talk about your weekend trang 68, 69 mời các bạn cùng theo dõi và tải tài liệu tại đây.

Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 6C: Talk about your weekend

Câu A

Write two or three emphatic adjective below each photo. (Viết hai hoặc ba tính từ nhấn mạnh bên dưới mỗi bức ảnh)

Gợi ý đáp án

Picture A: filthy, shocking (bẩn thỉu, bàng hoàng)

Picture B: breath-taking, fresh (đẹp tựa tranh vẽ, trong lành)

Câu B

Complete the text with adjective of attitude. (Hoàn thành đoạn văn với tính từ chỉ thái độ)

We were so (1)_____ to spend a weekend in Rome! It's a(n) ____city. There were so much to see: museums, churches, ruins, etc. We stayed in a(n) (3) _ _____hotel. Everything about it was perfect. We all felt (4)_____ after the trip

Gợi ý đáp án

1- excited

2- exciting

3- amazing

4- satisfied

Câu C

Complete the blanks with the passive form of the verbs in parentheses. (Hoàn thành chỗ trống với dạng bị động của động từ trong ngoặc)

We had an amazing trip to Europe last summer. The dates (1)____ (choose) two months before we started. Our flight (2) ____(bo

) at that time as well, but our hotel (3) ____ (not arrange) until the day before our departure. However, we enjoyed the trip a lot. We to
many photos and we (4) ____(treat) very well by the tour organizers. Our only regret was that we bought some souvenirs, but they (5) _____(lose) on our way home.

Gợi ý đáp án

1- was chosen

2- was bo


3- wasn’t arranged

4- were treated

5- were lost

Câu D

Make questions about the trip in C. Then match them to the correct answer. (Đặt câu hỏi về chuyến đi ở bài C. Sau đó nối chúng với Đáp án: đúng)


1. When/ the dates/ choose/?

2. the flight/bo

/ the same time/?

3. when/the hotel/arrange/?

4. they/treat/well/?


a. Yes, it was

b. Two months before their departure

c. Yes, they were

d. The last day before they started

Gợi ý đáp án

1. When were the dates chosen? Two months before their departure

2. Was the flight bo

ed at the same time? Yes, it was

3. When was the hotel arranged? The last day before they started

4. Were they treated well? Yes, they were

Câu E

Listen to the conversation. What was good about the weekend? What was bad?

(Nghe đoạn hội thoại. Điều gì tốt và không tốt về cuối tuần)

Gợi ý đáp án:

– Good:

  • The food in the hotel was good and the room was clean. (Thức ăn trong khách sạn ngon và phòng sạch sẽ)
  • The taken photo was beautiful. (Ảnh chụp rất đẹp.)

– Bad:

  • The weather snowed non-stop and everything was covered with lots of snow. (Thời tiết tuyết rơi không ngừng và mọi thứ đều bị bao phủ bởi rất nhiều tuyết.)
  • The hotel weren’t any rooms, the other hotel was more expensive. (Khách sạn không còn phòng, khách sạn khác lại đắt hơn).

Câu F

Practice the conversation in pairs. Switch roles and practice again. (Luyện tập đoạn hội thoại theo cặp. Đổi vai rồi luyện tập lại lần nữa)

Gợi ý đáp án:

Học sinh tự thực hành với bạn học.

Câu G

Change the underlined adjectives to empathic adjectives and practice conversation again. (Thay đổi các tính từ gạch chân thành các tính từ chỉ thái độ và sau đó luyện tập lại lần nữa)

Gợi ý đáp án:

Alex: How was your weekend?

Camilo: It was exciting. I went camping with Minh.

Alex: Really? How was the weather?

Camilo: It was disappointing on the first day. It snowed non-stop! Everything was covered with lots of snow.

Alex: Oh, no! What did you do?

Camilo: We went to a hotel, but there weren't any rooms. Then we found another hotel. It was more expensive, but the rooms were amazing. Actually, they were repainted a few days ago. The food was good, and it was even brought to our rooms!

Alex: So, did you go hiking?

Camilo: No. It was still snowing on the second day, so we decided to go skiing instead. It was tiring, but a lot of fun. Lo

, this photo was taken right when I had the biggest fall of the whole day! Anyway, how was your weekend?

Alex: It was OK, but it was very boring compared to yours!

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