Trang chủ Học tập Lớp 7 Đề thi giữa kì 2 Lớp 7

Bộ đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn tiếng Anh 7 năm 2023 - 2024 (Sách mới)

7 Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 2 Anh 7 (Có đáp án, file nghe)

Đề thi giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2023 - 2024 mang đến 7 đề có đáp án chi tiết kèm theo bảng ma trận đề thi. Đề kiểm tra giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 gồm 2 sách Global Success và Friends Plus.

Đề kiểm tra giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2023 giúp các bạn học sinh nhanh chóng làm quen với cấu trúc đề thi, ôn tập để đạt được kết quả cao trong kì thi giữa học kì sắp tới. Đồng thời cũng là tài liệu tham khảo dành cho quý thầy cô ra đề thi cho các em học sinh của mình. Vậy sau đây là TOP 7 đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 7 giữa kì 2 năm 2023 - 2024 sách mới, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi tại đây. Bên cạnh đó các bạn xem thêm: đề thi giữa kì 2 môn Khoa học tự nhiên 7.

1. Đề thi giữa kì 2 tiếng Anh 7 Global Success

1.1 Đề thi giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7

TRƯỜNG THCS..........



Thời gian: ......... phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)


TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between Trung and Alisa. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

File nghe:

1. When did Alisa begin living in Ho Chi Minh City?

A. About four weeks ago.
B. About 6 months ago.
C. About one year ago.

2. How does Alisa feel when crossing the streets in the rush hour?

A. Hot and tired.
B. Unsafe.
C. Angry.

3. What does Trung think about the traffic jams there?

A. Complicated.
B. Dangerous.
C. Unbelievable.

4. Why does she feel uncomfortable in the rainy season?

A. She sometimes gets wet while waiting at the bus stop.
B. She cycles to school in the rain, and she’s late for class.
C. The traffic jams are so heavy that she can’t take the bus in the rain.

5. What idea does Alisa suggest to solve the traffic problems?

A. Limiting the cars running at rush hour.
B. Using bikes instead of cars.
C. Building a modern underground system.

TASK 2. Listen and complete the text about traffic with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

File nghe:


There is too much traffic on our roads. In (1) ___________, it may take 20 minutes to go through a 02-kilometer road by motorbike.

Everyone agrees that something has to be done to solve this problem. No one likes to spend much time going to school or the (2) ___________. Going home takes even more time.

It is not easy to build more or (3) ___________ the roads because it is expensive. So, the answer here is to reduce the number of vehicles.

Public transport may be the solution to the traffic jam.

The problem is that time is golden, so not everyone agrees to wait for means of public transport such as buses or (4) ___________. Another problem is that they may not like to be stuck in a crowded bus. The last problem is that the buses cannot go in a small road, so some people who work in a small road will have to (5) ___________for a while.

The answer to traffic jam has not been found out.



Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.

1. A. safety B. vitamin C. parade

2. A. vehicle B. fine C. sign

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

3. A. candy B. seatbelt C. perform

4. A. parade B. display C. crossing

TASK 2. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Tom: How do you go to school every day?

Eden: I ___________ (go) to school by bicycle. It helps to reduce pollution.

2. The horror film ___________ (be) so boring that we almost fell asleep at the cinema yesterday.

3. Alice is quite lazy and she rarely ___________ (go) to the gym.

4. Last Christmas, my family ___________ (spend) our times in Maldives and to

part in a special festival.

5. Lisa: Hey, we ___________ (prepare) some moon cakes, do you want to join?

Rose: Sounds great.

TASK 3. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1. It’s crucial for ___________ to walk only on the pavement or footpath.

A. passengers
B. pedestrians
C. models

2. ___________ need to obey the traffic rules by not carrying more than one passenger.

A. Pedestrians
B. Elder people
C. Cyclists

3. “Transformer” is a ___________ film which can help us know more about future robots.

A. science fiction
B. historical
C. romance

4. It is an honor for those actors who can take part ___________ Cannes Film Festival.

A. on
B. in
C. over

5. ___________ that documentary is boring, I still love the main character in it.

A. However
B. Although
C. Because


TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second of the fantasy film series based on the same novel by J. K. Rowling. After the success of the first one, Chris Columbus is still the director of this film. Meanwhile, the main cast of the first film remains in the second one. The film tells the story about the great efforts of Harry to save his friends at Hogwarts, especially Ron’s sister Ginny, from the attacks of a basilisk. It’s a giant snake under the control of the ghostly memory of the sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle, one piece of Lord Voldemort’s soul preserved in an enchanted diary. In the end, he kills the basilisk, saves everybody and frees Dobby – a kind of house-elf. The film is a really must-see. It also has lost of gripping images, soundtracks and visual effects.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A famous director with his successful fantasy film.
B. A young wizard who kills a monster in his magic school.
C. A film based on the second novel of a fantasy series by J. K. Rowling.

2. Who is the author of the bo


A. Chris Columbus.
B. J. K. Rowling.
C. Harry Potter.

3. Which of the following statements about Harry is true?

A. He fights against a cruel house-elf of Lord Voldemort.
B. He kills a giant spider at the end of the film.
C. He saves Ron’s sister from a basilisk.

4. What does the word It in line 11 mean?

A. The film.
B. The kind house-elf.
C. The basilisk.

5. How are the visual effects of the film?

A. Extremely interesting.
B. Rather boring.
C. Very colourful.

TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.

Diwali is one of the biggest and most important festivals in India. It usually (1) ___________ between October and November. Nowadays this festival is celebrated by both Hindu and non-Hindu communities and lasts (2) ___________ about five days. During the time of festival, Indians clean their houses and buy gold or kitchen utensils to help bring good luck. Then, they decorate their homes with clay lamps, which are the symbol of the inner light protecting from spiritual darkness.

(3) ___________ the busy days of preparation, family members gather together for prayers to their own goddess, delicious feasts and colourful fireworks (4) ___________. They also visit their friends and relatives and (5) ___________ each other many gifts and best wishes.


TASK 1. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use the word in brackets and do not change it. Write NO MORE THAN THREE words.

1. I will not watch that film because it is very scary. (TOO)

The film is ____________________ me to watch.

2. The film is very frightening, but it is interesting. (THOUGH)

The film is interesting ____________________ frightening.

3. You cannot park your car here as it’s against the law. (MUST)

You ____________________ your car here.

4. Are these moon cakes delicious? (THINK)

____________________ these moon cakes are delicious?

5. The main soundtrack of The Hunger Game interested me when I heard it for the first time. (WAS)

I ____________________ the main soundtrack of The Hunger Game when I heard it for the first time.

TASK 2. Write a description of the traffic in your community (60 - 80 words).

You can use the following questions as cues.

- What are the main means of transport?

- What is the rush hour?

- What happens during the rush hour?

- What is the main traffic problem?

1.2 Đáp án đề thi giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7



1. B

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. C


Trung: What do you think about the traffic in Ho Chi Minh City, Alisa?

Alisa: Well, honestly, it has a few problems. As an exchange student living here for half a year, I’m not used to travelling in the streets.

Trung: Could you explain it clearly?

Alisa: You know, there are a huge number of vehicles running so fast every minute, so I find it dangerous to go cycling or cross the streets in the rush hour.

Trung: Yes, I also think that traffic congestion here is a complicated problem, especially in the rainy season.

Alisa: I totally agree. Although I can take a bus to school, it usually takes me a lot of time to wait for it, so it’s really uncomfortable to get wet at the bus stop when it rains hard.

Trung: Oh, I see. Do you have any suggestions to solve this issue?

Alisa: It’s hard to say, but I think the city authorities should widen the streets as well as build a modern underground system.

Trung: Couldn't agree more!


1. rush hours

2. workplace

3. upgrade

4. trains

5. walk



1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C


1. go

2. was

3. goes

4. spent

5. are preparing


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B



1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. A


1. happens

2. for

3. After

4. displays

5. give



1. too scary for

2. though it is

3. must not / mustn’t park

4. Do you think

5. was interested in


Sample writing:

I live in a big city and there is always busy traffic on the streets. About 6.30 every weekday people often travel to work or to school in a hurry by bicycles, motorbikes and cars, so there is always heavy traffic. The same situation happens at 5.30 p.m. when everybody gets home. As a result, there are often traffic jams at the busy crossroads or roundabouts during rush hours. Heavy traffic also causes air pollution and we are trying our best to use bicycles and buses more often to save the environment.

2. Đề thi giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 Friends Plus

2.1 Đề kiểm tra giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7

I. Identify the underlined letters that are pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. knife B. kind C. find D. kit

2. A. tent B. lighter C. water D. her

II. Identify the words whose main stresses are different from the others.

3. A. contain B. helpful C. body D. muscle

4. A. banana B. vitamin C. average D. calorie

III. Rewrite the following sentences with the given beginning in such a way that the meanings stay unchanged.

5. Mary doesn’t play tennis as well as Mike.

Mike plays tennis ____________________________.

6. A dog is definitely different from a cat.

A cat is not _________________________________.

7. Florence was faster than Archie.

Archie was not as ____________________________.

8. Tom is heavier than Mark.

Mark is not as _______________________________.

9. The small animal over there is similar to a mouse.

The small animal over there lo

s _______________.

IV. Listen to three interviews and choose the best option, A, B or C.

File nghe:

Interview 1:

10. How can Shri light a fire outdoor?

A. He uses dry wood.
B. He uses stones.
C. He cannot light a fire outdoor.

11. Shri is ________ at survival skills.

A. very good
B. no good

12. What does Simon say about eating safe fruit in the countryside?

A. All kinds of fruit are safe to eat.
B. Trees and plants supply fruit.
C. You should not eat the fruit you don’t know.

13. How can Rebecca find her way if she’s lost in the countryside?

A. She will use a map.
B. She will use a torch.
C. She will use a compass.

14. How can Harry find his way without a phone or a map?

A. He will use the moon.
B. He will use a torch.
C. He will use the sun.

V. Choose the best option to complete the following sentence.

15. Anna doesn’t play baseball ______ her sister.

A. as well as
B. as good as
C. as best as
D. as better as

16. A century has _________ years.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 100
D. 1000

17. Bananas contain many helpful _________.

A. beans
B. sticks
C. muscles
D. nutrients

18. At what ages ______ most people talk?

A. can
B. do can
C. could
D. did could

19. How________ is the Mount Everest?

A. many
B. fast
C. high
D. much

20. He lo

s _______ his father.

A. as
B. like
C. more
D. much

21. If you see a big bear, try to ______ still.

A. build
B. stand
C. find
D. climb

22. I _________ in the shelter if it rains.

A. will stay
B. stay
C. stays
D. am staying

23. You _________ buy that bo

. It’s not very good.

A. must
B. mustn’t
C. should
D. shouldn’t

24. You can always ______ away quickly from animals.

A. run
B. avoid
C. use
D. pick

25. You ________ if you don’t try hard.

A. will survive
B. survive
C. won’t survive
D. to survive

26. The exam are finished now. You _______ relax.

A. must
B. should
C. mustn’t
D. shouldn’t

VI. Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

Stay Alive

A team of three people will face a sixteen-day jungle adventure in Steve Grant’s new survival show. They’ll live (27) _________ comforts, and they won’t have contact with the outside world.

The first person is Tom Woods. He is fit and learns fast. He’s a good swimmer. He has some weak (28) _________, though. He always thinks he’s right. He isn’t practical. If he works with the others, he’ll do OK.

The second person is Jenny Frome. She is brave – she once hunted crocodiles. However, she is (29) _________ and likes to be alone. If she doesn’t do anything stupid, she’ll do very well.

The last person is Peter Quinn. He is competitive and likes a challenge. (30) _________, he acts before he thinks. He isn’t good in water. He will need to work hard if he wants to survive.

27. A. with B. by C. without

28. A. points B. scores C. goals

29. A. sociable B. reserved C. talkative

30. A. Therefore B. Yet C. Also

VII. Read the text and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

Amazing Achievements

Jennifer Lawrence is the most successful film actress of the last decade. The first Hunger Games film made more than 864 million dollars.

Paula Radcliffe finished a 42.195 – kilometre marathon in two hours, 15 minutes and 25 seconds.

One of the world’s richest people is Warren Buffett. His wealth is approximately 96 billion dollars.

Nancy Siefker shot an arrow 6.09 metres – using her feet!

Kevein Fast pulled a 55-ton aeroplane.

Wimm Hoff spent 1 hour, 42 minutes and 22 seconds covered in snow.

31. What does Jennifer Lawrence do?

A. She’s an artist.
B. She’s an actress.
C. She’s a singer.

32. Who is perhaps the richest person?

A. Jennifer Lawrence
B. Wimm Hoff
C. Warren Buffett

33. Who ran a marathon?

A. Warren Buffett
B. Paula Radcliffe
C. Kevein Fast

34. How could Nancy Siefker shoot an arrow?

A. She used her feet.
B. She used her hands.
C. She used her mouth and one hand.

35. What was Wimm Hoff’s achievement?

A. He could drink very cold water.
B. He could lie on ice.
C. He could cover himself in snow.

VIII. Give the correct form of each word in the brackets.

36. A __________ is a person who works on the paddy fields. (FARM)

37. A _________is a person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will lo

or work by making drawings, plans or patterns. (DESIGN)

38. A __________ is a person who works on a ship as a member of the crew. (SAIL)

39. A(n) _________ is a person who studies or writes about economics. (ECONOMY)

40. A(n) _________ is a person whose job is to connect, repair, etc. electrical equipment. (ELECTRICITY)

2.2 Đáp án đề thi giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7

1. D

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. better than Mary.

6. similar to a dog.

7. fast as Florence.

8. heavy as Tom

9. is similar to a mouse.

10. A

11. B

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. A

16. C

17. D

18. A

19. C

20. B

21. B

22. A

23. D

24. A

25. C

26. B

27. C

28. C

29. B

30. C

31. B

32. C

33. B

34. A

35. C

36. farmer

37. designer

38. sailor

39. economist

40. electrician


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