Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 2

Bài tập tiếng Anh 9

Các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 9 học kì 2 tổng hợp các dạng bài tập trọng tâm trong chương trình tiếng Anh 9.

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 2 được biên soạn đầy đủ gồm 20 trang được trình bày khoa học, ngắn gọn mà xúc tích. Tài liệu gồm rất nhiều dạng bài tập trọng tâm thường xuất hiện trong các bài kiểm tra, bài thi tiếng Anh vào lớp 10. Đồng thời qua đó giúp các bạn có thể tự đánh giá lại kiến thức bản thân. Bên cạnh đó các bạn xem thêm: bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành, bài tập phát âm và trọng âm trong tiếng Anh.

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 2

Test 1

I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences: (6 ps)

1. Malaysia is divided.....................two regions.

A. to
B. on
C. in
D. into

2. She often goes to the..........to pray because her regions is Islam.

A. church
B. pagoda
C. temple
D. mosque

3. Mary was really.............by the beauty of Hanoi.

A. impress
B. impression
C. impressive
D. impressed

4. The United State has a..............of around 250 million.

A. population
B. separation
C. addition
D. introduction

5. Mathematics and Literature are..............subject in high schools.

A. adding
B. compulsory
C. optional
D. religious

6. It’s very kind..............you to say so!

A. in
B. to
C. for
D. of

7. I wish Susan...............harder for her examination.

A. will work
B. worked
C. has worked
D. works

8. The ‘ao dai’ is the...............dress of Vietnamese women.

A. beautiful
B. traditional
C. casual
D. baggy

9. The word Jeans comes..............a kind of material that was made in Europe.

A. in
B. at
C. from
D. on

10. He...............with friends in apartment in HCMC since last week.

A. living
B. has lived
C. lived
D. live

11. They often go to that...............to pray.

A. market
B. hotel
C. hostel
D. shrine

12. There is a small bamboo...............at the entrance to the village.

A. forest
B. forestation
C. forest ranger
D. forestry

13. There is a meeting..................9 AM and 2 PM.

A. on
B. between
C. till
D. at

14. He was born..............15th, January.

A. in
B. of
C. at
D. on

15. We have lived in Hanoi............... 4 years.

A. in
B. since
C. for
D. at

16. We have many well.............. teachers here.

A. qualify
B. quality
C. qualified
D. qualification

17. She asked me where I.............. from.

A. come
B. came
C. to come
D. coming

18. What aspect of................ English do you find difficult?

A. study
B. studied
C. learnt
D. learning

19. Who told you of the news? The.............. may not be correct.

A. inform
B. information
C. informational
D. informative

20. She thinks chatting on the Internet is time...................

A. consume
B. consumer
C. consuming
D. consumption

21. Can you tell me who ...............this kind of machine?

A. invented
B. invention
C. inventor
D. inventive

22. Your teacher writes poems or stories,...............she?

A. don’t
B. won’t
C. didn’t
D. doesn’t

23. Excuse me. Can I................in this area?

A. sm

B. sm
C. sm
D. to sm

24. If he...............a student, he will get a discount.

A. is
B. was
C. were
D. will be

25. Can you turn..............the light? It’s too dark.

A. on
B. off
C. in
D. for

26. We can..............easily in the daylight.

A. to read
B. reading
C. reads
D. read

27. What can we do to spend less...............lighting?

A. in
B. on
C. about
D. of

28. She is very tired;................., she has to finish her homework.

A. moreover
B. so
C. and
D. however

29. Is he an actor ...............a singer? An actor.

A. and
B. or
C. with
D. so

30. I suggest ...............money for the poor people in our neighborhood.

A. save
B. to save
C. saving
D. saved

Test 2

1. This newspaper is…………. everyday. It’s a daily newspaper.

A publishing
B published
C to publish
D publish

2. He shouted and lo

ed ………. At me when I br
e the vase.

A angry
B angrier
C angrily
D angryly

3. He is tired …………he stayed up late watching TV

A so
B because
C but
D and

4. We are talking about the preservation of ……………..resources.

A natural
B naturally
C nature
D naturalize

5. Is he really ………….that you can’t come here.

A. disappoint
B disappointed
C disappointing
D to disappoint

6. I think most children are creative enough to write …………..poems

A beauty
B beautiful
C beautifully
D beautify

7. It is our policy to …………..forests and increase forestation.

A protect
B protecting
C to protect
D protected

8. Everyone must take part in …………… deforestation.

A prevent
B preventing
C to prevent
D prevented

9. I suggest …………..to the movies

A go
B to go
C going
D went

10. They made their living by………….fish in the ocean everyday

A catch
B to catch
C catching
D caught

11. I will be ………..if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price.

A. surpriise
B surprised
C surprising
D to surprise

12. Unless you understand, I ……………explain it again to you

A am
B will
C was
D would

13. If you know where she lives, please let me …………

A to know
B known
C knew
D know

14. If she ……………a student, she will get a discount.

A will be
B were
C was
D be

15. ……………..you are interested in this film, don’t go to see it at any cost.

A So
B Because
C Unless
D If

16. If you like that bo

, I will give it …………….you as a present

A to
B at
C from
D for

17. If you live in this small town , you earn much money.

A didn’t
B can’t
C couldn’t
D aren’t

18. If you have …………..money , you can travel abroad this summer.

A a lots
B lot of
C many
D a lot of

19. If you are a student, you can get a discount ……………… bo


A for
B at
C in
D on

20. I won’t go unless you ……….. me money back.

A pay
B paying
C paid
D to pay

21 Can you turn…………… the light? It’s too dark.

A for
B off
C in
D on

22. What are you lo

ing ……………..? My picture bo
. I’ve lost it.

A for
B in
C off
D on

23 There are ………..saving methods and inventions to use solar energy.

A energetics
B energy
C energize
D energetic

24. I had to pay much money this month for the international………………

A call
B called
C calling
D calls

25. A new air-conditioner will be……………. this morning.

A install
B installing
C installed
D to install

26. Scientists are lo

ing for an……………..way to reduce energy consumption.

A effect
B effecctive
C effectively
D effection

27. We can …………..easily in the day light.

A reading
B read
C reading
D to read

28. she won’t take all the suitcases…………… she likes to travel light.

A therefore
B because
C but
D so

29 They are completely short of water now. A number of people have died because of this…………..

A short
B shortly
C short
D shortage

30. What can we do to spend less……………… lighting?

A of
B about
C on
D in

31. She is very tied , …………….she has to finish her homework.

A however
B and
C so
D moreover

32. Is he an actor…………….a singer? An actor.

A so
B with
C or
D and

33. He was tired,…………… he to

a rest before continuing the work.

A if
B but
C and
D so

34. She forgot……………. off the gas before going out.

A turn
B to turn
C turning
D turned

35. I suggest……………. Money for the poor people in our neighborhood.

A saved
B saving
C to save
D save

36. Who lo

s……………… your children when you are away from home?

A to
B after
C at
D for

37. Why doesn’t she go ………………. With her university study?

A on
B to
C at
D in

38. After coming home, she cleaned the floor …………… co

ed dinner.

A and
B moreover
C however
D but

39. They didn’t understand the matter;……………, they didn’t ask for help.

A and
B moreover
C however
D but

40. He got wet ………………. he forgot his umbrella.

A and
B but
C because
D because of

Test 3

I. Multiple Choice:

1. Ba………… go to Dalat in summer when he was young.

A. use to
B. used to
C. is used to
D. is used

2. He wishes he........ a pilot.

A. were
B. is
C. will be
D. can be

3. He………English for 4 years.

A. learns
B. learnt
C. has learnt
D. will learn

4. Young people are fond of ……… Jeans.

A. to wear
B. wearing
C. wore
D. worn

5. We will go ………. a picnic tomorrow.

A. in
B. at
C. on
D. of

6. She sings very………………….

A. beauty
B. beautiful
C. beautify
D. beautifully

7. She asked me where I ……………… from.

A. come
B. came
C. to come
D. coming

8. He was born…………… 15th January

A. on
B. at
C. of
D. in

9. If he………… free time, he will go swimming.

A. has
B. had
C. will have
D. is having

10. Could you please stop………… so much noise?

A. make
B. making
C. made
D. to make

11. Peter plays soccer very well, …………………………he?

A. does
B. did
C. doesn’t
D. didn’t

12. If the………………… continues, what will happen?

A. pollution
B. pollute
C. polluted
D. polluting

13. He is tired now…………………he stayed up late watching TV.

A. so
B. because
C. but
D. and

14. Be……………! He is lo

ing at you.

A. care
B. careful
C. carefully
D. carelessly

15.I suggest……………… to the movies

A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. went

16. Remember to turn ………….. the lights before going to bed.

A. of
B. off
C. on
D. up

17. Auld Lang Syne is a song……………. is sung on New Year’s Eve.

A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. whose

18. People ………………take physical exercise can live longer.

A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. when

19. According to the weather ……….., it will be raining tonight.

A. forecast
B. forecaster
C. forecasted
D. forecasting

20. Hue will have temperatures ………………………………. 230C and 270C.

A. at
B. between
C. in
D. with

21. Where would you go if you……………… a car?

A. have
B. has
C. had
D. having

22. The children laughed………….. when they were watching a comic.

A. happiness
B. happy
C. happily
D. unhappy.

23. There is too much traffic. ………………., the air is polluted.

A. However
B. Since
C. Therefore
D. But

24. She goes to the library three times a week. She …………… reads bo

s there.

A. never
B. often
C. rarely
D. once

25. UFOs mean………………… flying objects.

A. unknown
B. unidentified
C. unable
D. unimaginary

26. If I …………….. a bird, I would be a dove.

A. am
B. is
C. are
D. were

27. The telephone was……………… by Alexander Bell.

A. invent
B. invented
C. to invent
D. inventing

28. I want………………..my English.

A. to improve
B. improving
C. improved
D. improve

29. My grandparents have lived there…………………. 1975.

A. in
B. on
C. since
D. for

30. Mai speaks English……………….. than you.

A. more fluent
B. more fluently
C. more fast
D. more faster

31. Mr. Lam suggested that we…………. tonight.

A. worked late
B. working late
C. should work late
D. would work late

32. She is the most intelligent woman……………….. I’ve ever met.

A. whom
B. who
C. whose
D. that

33. I recently went back to Paris,………………. I was born nearly 40 years ago.

A. which
B. where
C. that
D. when

34. Mr. Jones is very rich. He …………….. work hard for a living.

A. mustn’t
B. shouldn’t
C. can’t
D. doesn’t have to

35. I have a pen pal in Singapore. We ……………… each other at least once a month.

A. comprise
B. divide
C. consist of
D. correspond with

36. I usually ………………… jeans and a T-shirt on the weekend.

A. wear
B. get
C. take
D. put off


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