Bài tập thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn trong Tiếng Anh

Bài tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh

Bài tập thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn trong tiếng Anh gồm 6 trang được biên soạn với nhiều dạng bài tập có đáp án và tự luyện khác nhau ở nhiều mức độ.

Bài tập về thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn giúp các em nắm vững kiến thức đã học trên lớp cũng như ôn luyện thêm các bài tập nâng cao, hỗ trợ quá trình tự học tiếng Anh hiệu quả để củng cố ngữ pháp tiếng Anh. Tài liệu được sắp xếp khoa học với nhiều mức độ khác nhau giúp học sinh đánh giá chính xác năng lực của mình. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm: bài tập về Used trong tiếng Anh, bài tập tiếng Anh về từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa, Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh.

Bài tập thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn trong Tiếng Anh

A. Bài tập có đáp án

Bài I Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets

1. I was very tired when I arrived home. (I/ work/ hard all day) I'd been working hard all day.

2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they wereboth very tired. (they/ play/ football) ...................

3. I was disappointed when I had to cancel my holiday. (I/ lo

/ forward to it) ...................

4. Ann w

e up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn'tknow where she was. (she/ dream) ...................

5. When I got home, Tom was sitting in front of the TC. He had justturned it off. (he/ watch/ a film) ...................

Đáp án

2. They'd been playing football.

3. I'd been lo

ing forward to it.

4. She'd been dreaming.

5. He'd been watching a film.

Bài 2: Read the situations and complete the sentences

1.We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, itstarted to rain.

We had been playing for half an hour when it started to rain.

2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I suddenly realized that I was in the wrong restaurant.

I .... for 20 minutes when I ... the wrong restaurant.

3. Sarah got a job in a factory. Five years later the factory closed down.

At the time the factory ... , Sarah ... there for five years.

4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After aboutten minutes a man in the audience suddenly started shouting.

The orchestra ... when ......

This time make your own sentence:

5. I began walking along the road. I ..... when .....

Đáp án

2. I'd been waiting for 20 minutes when I relised that I was in the wrongrestaurant.

3. At the same time the factory closed down, Sarad had been working therefor five years.

4. The orchestra had been playing for about ten minutes when a man in theaudience started shouting.

5. I'd been walking along the road for about ten minutes when a car suddenlystopped just behind me.

Bài 3: Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous (I was doing) past perfect (I had done) or past perfect continuous (I hadbeen doing)

1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours were having (have) a party.

2. We were good friend. We had known (know) each other for years.

3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him becausehe ... (walk) so fast

4. Sue was sitting on the ground.She was out of breath. She ... (run)

5. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouthsfull. They ... (eat)

6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty, but their stomachs were full. They ... (eat)

7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He ... (lo

) for his contach lens.

8. When I arrived, Kate ... (wait) for me. She was annoyed with me becauseI was late and she ... (wait) for a long time.

9. I was sad when I sold my car. I ... (have) it for a long time.

10. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ... (travel) formore than 24 hours.

Đáp án

3. was walking

4. had been running

5. were eating

6. had been eating

7. was lo


8. was waiting ... had been waiting

9. had had

10. had been travelling

B. Bài tập tự luyện

I. Put in the correct verb form of the past tense.

1. When I arrived, Ann ……………….…. (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I and she ……………………….. (wait) for a very long time.

2. We ……………………… (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver gave us a lift.

3. When I saw Ben last week, he said he …………………………… (stop) sm

ing, but when I saw him 2 days later, he ………………………. (sm
e) a cigarette.

4. Lucy went to the living room. It was empty but the television still warm. Someone ……………......... (watch) it.

5. I ……………… (play) tennis so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I …………………… (not win) a single game.

6. They ………………………..… (talk) in the park when storm br


7. The man ………………………….. (pay) for his new car in cash.

8. I …………………………………. (already/eat) breakfast by the time the others w

e up.

9. It ……………………….. (snow) for three days when suddenly the sun came out.

10. Sam …………………………… (work) here for six years before he left to go to university.

11. Liz…………………………… (go) to the Bahamas for her holidays last year.

12. We ………………………….. (watch) a film on TV when our guests arrived.

13. They …………………… (already/see) the film twice at the cinema when she rented it on video.

14. The teacher ……………………. (teach) the children a song yesterday.

15. He ……………………………. (sit) on the train at this time yesterday morning.

II. There is mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentences. Find the mistake.

1. The apartment was hot when I got home, so I was turning on the air

2. We are waiting for Mike for the last two hours, but he still hasn’t arrived.

3. Tom wants to get married, but he doesn’t meet the right person

4. By the end of the 20thcentury, scientists have discovered the cure for common cold.

5. I saw that movie three times, and now I want to see it again.

6. Last night, I have had dinner with two friends. I have known both of them for a long time.

7. My brother wants me to change the job and I am thinking he is right.

8. So far this weekend, the teachers are giving us a lot of homework every day.

9. There are more than 40 presidents of the United States since it became a country.

10. By the time he left the office, he have attended three meetings.

III. Choose the correct answer:

1.. “May I speak to Dr. Shell, please?”

- “I’m sorry, he….. a patient at the moment. Can I help you?

A. is seeing

B. Sees

C. has been seeing

D. was seeing

2. “When are you going to ask your boss for a rise?”

“I…….to her twice already! I don’t think she wants to give me one.”

A. have talked

B. have been talking

C. was talking

D. had talked

3. “Do you think Tom will want something to eat after he gets here?”

“I hope not. It’s probably being after midnight, we……..”

A. are sleeping

B. will be sleeping

C. have been sleeping

D. be sleeping

4. “Paul, could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes ….. for a least thirty minutes.”

A. are boiling

B. boiling

C. have been boiling

D. be sleeping

5. “It’s true that spaghetti didn’t originate in Italy?”

“Yes. The Chinese………spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco brought it back to Italy”

A. have been making

B. have made

C. had been making

D. make

6. “I once saw a turtle that had wings. The turtle flew into the air to catch insects”

“Stop kidding. I ……. you.”

A. don’t believe

B. am not believing

C. didn’t believe

D. wasn’t believing

7. “Could someone help me lift the lawnmower into the pickup truck?”

“I’m not busy. I …………… you”

A. help

B. will help

C.am going to help

D. am helping


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